Keepers of the Qulleq – Keepers of light and warmth
Maya Sialuk
May 1st 2022
Between two worlds: The internal displacement of disabled people
Anna Derksen
May 1st 2022
Teenage Diaries – Buffalo shoes, boyfriends and blubber in the ’90s
Lív María Róadóttir Jæger
May 1st 2022
Decolonizing gender – Myths, beliefs, and acceptance of fluidity among Inuits
May 1st 2022
#Sápmitoo – Raise your boys right
Timimie Marak
May 1st 2022
Queer Sámi love: My buttercup
Vuovdi, Kátjá Rávdná Broch Einebakken, Maria Karlsen and Gabriel Songkramsri
May 1st 2022
A love letter to burlesque and my fat body
Carina Elisabeth Carlsen
May 1st 2022
A view from Norway: Feminism is history’s most successful revolution
Marta Breen
May 1st 2022
Be yourself, be a man – How to be a man in the Faroe Islands
Erling Kjærbo
May 1st 2022
Queen psychosis tells all – A look into mental institutions
Anna Malan Jógvansdóttir
May 1st 2022
Beyond the grey, babypink lies
Theresa K. Jakobsen
May 1st 2022
Hate speech and discrimination are a threat to democracy
Alviina Alametsa
May 1st 2022
A certain kind of masochism
M.K. Baijukya
May 1st 2022
Which was worse, racism or sexism?
Merly Åsbogård
May 1st 2022
When no one knows that you are there
Íris Ellenberger
May 1st 2022
A flawless culture: Disability, ableism and erasure in the Nordics
Sif Holst
May 1st 2022
Active/passive power: Is the customer always right?
Rosa Engelbert Jensen 
May 1st 2022
Passability, a personal essay: On passing and limited safety
Bryn R. Frederiksmose
May 1st 2022
Harm reduction and the right of individuals to self-determination — Frú Ragnheiður
Eva Sigurðardóttir
July 7th 2021
Life without limitations – Össur
Lára Sigurðardóttir
July 7th 2021
Beyond the Gender Binary: Film producer “My Genderation”
Viktoría Birgisdóttir
July 7th, 2021
Equality and innovation – Just consulting
Sóley Tómasdóttir
July 7th, 2021
Accessibility and Value Creation for Society – TravAble
Tinna Eik Rakelardóttir
July 7th, 2021
The woman behind GeoSilica: Fida Abu Libdeh
Elinóra Guðmundsdóttir
July 7th, 2021
Sex Work 101
Rauða Regnhlífin
May 5, 2021
“Woman at War” as a blueprint for social, political and environmental change
Armando Garcia Teixeira
23. apríl 2021
Black Women in entertainment
March 16th 2021
Cultural Criticism: The White Pube
Eva Lín Vilhjálmsdóttir
March 12th 2021
Role models in the turbulent sea of life
Elísabet Brynjarsdóttir
March 12th 2021
Maya Angelou
Steinunn Ýr Einarsdóttir
March 12th 2021
Parenting: An exemplary parent
Brynhildur Yrsa Valkyrja
March 12th 2021
Role Models: The Power of Vulnerability
Eva Huld
March 12th 2021
Women’s Solidarity: to friends, to grandmother, to daughter
Sunneva Kristín Sigurðardóttir
Mental Wellbeing: To update the soft drive
Aldís Amah Hamilton
March 12th 2021
Mothering: Ordinary Extravaganza
Lára Sigurðardóttir
March 12th 2021
The classic role model Helen Keller on TikTok
Áslaug Ýr Hjartardóttir
March 12th 2021
Low-wage jobs: Rub, scrub and toil
Sanna Magdalena Mörtudóttir
March 12th 2021
Young Professional Women: If she can do it, so can I
Björgheiður Margrét Helgadóttir
March 12th 2021
Mental health: A different kind of grandmother
Tinna Eik Rakelardóttir
March 12th 2021
Women in Business: Having ideals can kill a woman
Elinóra Inga Sigurðardóttir
March 12th 2021
Body image: One single tear
Díana Sjöfn Jóhannsdóttir
March 12th 2021
Unemployment Insurance System That Harms Female Students
Jóna Þórey Pétursdóttir
2. February 2021
Foreign students: So What Do We Want?
Ármann Garðar Teitsson, Derek T. Allen og Jonathan Wood
2. February 2021
COVID-19:If There Are No Reactions During the Greatest Urgency, When Will There Be?
Isabel Alejandra Díaz
Justice for the North: Disparities Between Non-Capital and Capital Region Universities
Jonathan Wood og Nökkvi A.R. Jónsson
2. February 2021
On Being Queer All the Time
Sólveig Daðadóttir
2. February 2021
The Icelandic Student Loan Fund – for Everyone, Also Those Who Worke
Tinna Eik Rakelardóttir
2. February 2021
Why It’s Important To Promote Queer Education In All Spaces
Valgerður Valur Hirst Baldurs
2. February 2021
When MeToo finally hit Denmark
Gunnhildur Þórðardóttir
30 November 2020
What is mental health?
Kristín Hulda Gísladóttir
18th of November 2020
Resources for Marginalized Groups, Accessibility and Impediments
Elísabet Brynjarsdóttir
18th of November 2020
Trans: Becoming Myself
William Divinagracia
18. nóvember 2020
Thirty-nine people died from suicide
Silja Björk
18th of November 2020
Social Diversity and Health Care
Inga Björk Margrétar Bjarnadóttir
18th of November 2020
ADHD: Harmful Stereotypes and Invisible Girls
Kristín Hulda Gísladóttir
18th of November 2020
Steps Towards Healing – Interviewing Two Employees at Bjarkarhlíð, Family Justice Center for Survivors of Violence
Eva Sigurðardóttir
18th of November 2020
The heavy backpack: Being diagnosed with C-PTSD
Elísabet Dröfn Kristjánsdóttir
18th of November 2020
Bipolar: Three sisters
Halla Birgisdóttir, Viktoría Birgisdóttir og Gróa Rán Birgisdóttir
18th of November 2020
Why Not Now — New Mental Health Care Subsidy Law
Sigurbjörg Björnsdóttir
18th of November 2020
Eating Disorders – Socially Acceptable?
Sóley Hafsteinsdóttir
18th of November 2020
Mental health: The email that made me want to walk out in front of a moving car
Lára Sigurðardóttir
18th of November 2020
Diagnoses: Daníel
Natan Jónsson
18th of November 2020
You Do Not Look at All Like You Are Autistic
Brynhildur Yrsa Valkyrja
18th of November 2020
The Struggle of Perfectionism
Steinunn Ása Sigurðardóttir
18th of November 2020
Bipolar disorder: Even the calm is stormy, on the sideline
Hulda Sif Ásmundsdóttir
18th of November 2020
Making Space for Women and Non-Binary in the (Danish) Art World
Gunnhildur Þórðardóttir
14th of October 2020
Lets face it: Homelessness is a Sexual Health Matter
Indíana Rós
14th of October 2020
“The new constitution has the ability to really improve Icelandic society.”
Steinunn Ólína Hafliðadóttir
14th of October 2020
The Disabled Weightlifter No-One Knows
Áslaug Ýr Hjartardóttir
14th of October 2020
Drag in Reykjavík
Glóey Þóra Eyjólfsdóttir
14th of October 2020
Flæði Art Gallery: “We’re looking for a collaboration with the community”
Steinunn Ólína Hafliðadóttir
14th of October 2020
Recycle till you drop
Flokk till you drop
14th of October 2020
COVID-19: The Virus and Social Status
Steinunn Radha
14th of October 2020
Feminism for Everyone, Middle Eastern Women Included
Miriam Petra
14th of October 2020
Of Feminism in the Middle-East and Orientalism
Hjördís Lára Hlíðberg
14th of October 2020
Reasons for Young Women to Move to the Countryside (Job Offers are Not One of Them)
Steinunn Ása Sigurðardóttir
14th of October 2020
No One Would Rape a Fat Woman
Tara Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir
13th of august 2020
The Politics of Self Love
Embla Guðrúnar Ágústsdóttir
13th of august 2020
Rape Culture and The Social Pecking Order
Steinunn Radha
13th of august 2020
Welcome to The Slut Choir
Brynhildur Yrsa Valkyrja
13th of august 2020
Donna Cruz: A Letter to 16 year old Me
Donna Cruz
13th of august 2020
White feminism – Why You Aren’t an Activist: From an Icelandic Woman who “Doesn’t Look Like” an Icelandic Woman
Nadine Gaurino
13th of august 2020
Erotic dancing and attitudes towards it: Your Own Sexual Expression
Carmen og Neyta
13th of august 2020
Sexual violence -A Day in the Life of a Woman-
Herdís Hlíf Þorvaldsdóttir
13th of August 2020
Veganism: Backfire Effect
Aldís Amah Hamilton
13th of august 2020
It is Not Enough to Fight for Partial Equality
Steinunn Ólína Hafliðadóttir
13th of august 2020
Perpetrators are Diverse
Áslaug Ýr Hjartardóttir
13th of August 2020
Díana Katrín Þorsteinsdóttir
13th of august 2020
White feminism: Wall of dominance
Sara Mansour
13th of August 2020
Sexual Violence: How Men Must Use Their Extraordinary Power
Derek T. Allen
13th of August 2020
Alda Lilja
13th of august 2020
Tayla Hassan
1st of June 2020
Eva Sigurðardóttir
22. apríl 2020
Sometimes I wish I was Skinny
Ísold Halldórudóttir
20. apríl 2020
Rape culture: You had me at…
Una Hallgrímsdóttir
12. júlí 2019
Harpa Rún Kristjánsdóttir // Wincie Jóhannsdóttir
March 13th 2019
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