Queer Sámi love: My buttercup
May 1st 2022
images and text:
Vuovdi, Kátjá Rávdná Broch Einebakken, Maria Karlsen and Gabriel Songkramsri

I am the waning moon

You are the waxing

In the long summer nights

You still shine the brightest

Like the fallen stars

Like the eyes of the reindeer who created the world

They cry and rain down in your hair

We breathe with the wind

The streams

The rivers

The waves of the sea

Even with the deepest currents of the ocean

Even with the seeds of the buttercup

The wind takes

The wind gives

With love to the field

From every fallen raindrop grows a vibrant flower

From every seed grows a fuller meadow

The earth shines back at the sun

To the moons

To the fallen stars

In the long summer nights

Where there is no wolf’s cry

We are waning

We are waxing

— — —

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Queer Sámi love: My buttercup