Innovation Week x Vía vol.13
Harm reduction and the right of individuals to self-determination — Frú Ragnheiður
Eva Sigurðardóttir
July 7th 2021
Life without limitations – Össur
Lára Sigurðardóttir
July 7th 2021
Beyond the Gender Binary: Film producer “My Genderation”
Viktoría Birgisdóttir
July 7th, 2021
Equality and innovation – Just consulting
Sóley Tómasdóttir
July 7th, 2021
Accessibility and Value Creation for Society – TravAble
Tinna Eik Rakelardóttir
July 7th, 2021
The woman behind GeoSilica: Fida Abu Libdeh
Elinóra Guðmundsdóttir
July 7th, 2021
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