Business / Innovation Archives » Vía
Harm reduction and the right of individuals to self-determination — Frú Ragnheiður
Eva Sigurðardóttir
July 7th 2021
Life without limitations – Össur
Lára Sigurðardóttir
July 7th 2021
Equality and innovation – Just consulting
Sóley Tómasdóttir
July 7th, 2021
Low-wage jobs: Rub, scrub and toil
Sanna Magdalena Mörtudóttir
March 12th 2021
Young Professional Women: If she can do it, so can I
Björgheiður Margrét Helgadóttir
March 12th 2021
Women in Business: Having ideals can kill a woman
Elinóra Inga Sigurðardóttir
March 12th 2021
Unemployment Insurance System That Harms Female Students
Jóna Þórey Pétursdóttir
2. February 2021
Reasons for Young Women to Move to the Countryside (Job Offers are Not One of Them)
Steinunn Ása Sigurðardóttir
14th of October 2020
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